Some notes on IronPython, CPython, .Net and integration…

Avoiding importing some CPython modules: you may not want to make your IronPython coded assemblies depend on an installation of CPython at c:\python25. If so you must avoid importing a lot of modules that CPython coding takes for granted…

  • types – don’t use expressions like if type(myObj) == types.ListType. Use if type(myObj) == type([]) instead. Sometimes implicit is better than explicit !
  • string – if you go back to CPython 1.5.2 you may still be in the habit of coding string.split() or string.join(). Switch over to member methods eg “”.join( ) andyou can avoid importing the string module.

Some modules can be imported just the same in IronPython and CPython…

  • re
  • exceptions


  • Use ContainsKey, not has_key. Both Hashtable and Python’s built in dictionary have it.

5 Responses to “IronPython”

  1. […] 8th, 2007 I’m collecting IronPython observations here… Posted in coding […]

  2. Hmm… given that most of the standard library *works* with IronPython it seems a shame not to use it.

    In Resolver we just have our own copy of the standard library in the application folder – that way we are not dependent on Python being installed (and we still get to use the awesome Python standard library).

    If your application is just a single script then this is fair enough advice, but if your application has its own directory then you might as well use the standard library.

  3. etrading Says:

    I want to avoid mandating a c:\python25 install for trader desktops. Could I put the std Python libs in a .Net assembly ?

  4. For IronPython 1.1 you can compile Python files to assemblies (actually executables – but assemblies nonetheless).

    You could possibly combine these as a single assembly? Not something I’ve tried though. 🙂

    Distributing source files seems better to me.

  5. (As I mentioned – we distribute the standard library *with* our application – which means we are not dependent on any Python install.)

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